Symposium: Computational and Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics

Keynote Speakers

Gian-Marco Rignanese (UCLouvain, Belgium)
"Accelerating materials discovery through high-throughput ab initio calculations and data mining"
Ludger Wirtz ((University of Luxembourg)
"Theoretical Spectroscopy of 2D Materials: Exciton-phonon coupling in resonant Raman and luminescence spectroscopy"
Zeila Zanolli  (ICN2, Barcelona, Spain)
"Spintronics at the interface"
Chris Ewels
(IMN, Nantes, France)
"Bending, folding and filling nanocarbon and h-BN"
Philippe Ghosez (ULiege, Belgium)
"Origin and mechanism of the metal-insulator transition in perovskite nickelates, manganites and ferrites"

Invited Speakers

Mehmet Yagmurcukardes (UAntwerpen, Belgium)
"Two-dimensional Ultra-thin Crystals by Chemical Conversion of van Der Waals Materials"
Jonas Bekaert
(UAntwerpen, Belgium)
"Hydrogen-induced high-temperature superconductivity in two-dimensional materials: The example of hydrogenated monolayer MgB2"
Thibault Sohier (EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland)
"Electron-phonon scattering in 2D materials: a quest for high conductivity"
Yoann Olivier (UNamur, Belgium)
"Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence (TADF): A new paradigm for OLEDs"
Michaël Lobet (UNamur, Belgium)
"Perfect electromagnetic absorbers: a road to reality"
Pedro Melo (ULiege, Belgium)
"Spin States Protected from Intrinsic Electron−Phonon Coupling in MoSe2"
Aurelie Champagne (ULouvain, Belgium)
"MXenes: the largest family of 2D materials"
Aurélien Lherbier (ULouvain, Belgium)
"Thermal and electronic transport characteristics of highly stretchable graphene kirigami"
Ben Van Duppen (UAntwerpen, Belgium)
"Graphene plasmonics: exploring the nonlocal and nonlinear response of 2D electron liquids"
Bruno Majerus (UNamur, Belgium)
"Plasmons in nanostructured and corrugated 2D materials"
Benoit van Troeye (RPI, NY, USA)
"Understanding phonons in slightly-misaligned graphene bilayer with the Frenkel-Kontorova model"
Simon Dubois (ULouvain, Belgium)
"Understanding 2D magnetic junctions from fabrication to new functionalities"
Nicole Helbig (ULiege, Belgium)
"Coupled spin-lattice dynamics with multibinit"