

The institute heads are helped in their mission by the poles’ representatives, which together with the president and vice-president form the board of NISM, and by the executive officer of NISM. The board meetings are scheduled every two months. Furthermore, additional board meetings and updates are held when necessary for daily management or communication purposes.

NISM poles

NISM research is identified by four poles, which underline the main scientific activities carried out in the institute. Each pole is a well-defined structure with a membership, and it is managed by the pole representative. The poles structuring does not prevent a permanent cooperation between them. There is indeed a well-established interaction between different poles, through common projects, conferences, seminars, co-tutoring of master and PhD thesis, among others.

Research projects

The research projects in NISM are mainly proposed and planned by academics helped by postdoctoral researchers.
Information about these projects can be found on the research portal of UNamur. (

Annual meetings

Every year since it was founded, NISM organizes a meeting which gathers its members. The purpose is to encourage the members to meet together in an unformal whilst scholarly atmosphere for one day, where they can present and discuss their work, and share new ideas. The meeting allows multiple exchanges on scientific, technical, or also administrative issues, keeps members closer together, allows new members to get in touch with colleagues and to discover the activity of the institute. Coffee breaks and lunch are organized close to the poster sessions to ease and encourage discussions.